CD School House 9
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the Galactic Conflict Continues
by Jerry W. Galloway
and E.R. Markgraf
(c) 1988,1989
Background: 75 A.I. (Age of Imperium)
When the first Galactic Conflict was over and the dead buried, The
Grand Admiral and his victorious fleet controlled the known Galaxy. All
enemy formations of effective military capacity were dispersed or
destroyed. Unopposed, The Admiral assumed governmental control and
established himself as Emperor.
Under the Pax Imperium, trade exploded between the stars of the
Galaxy. Technological and cultural exchanges spread science, medicine,
and economic riches widely. By A.I. 33, fifty solar systems were
classed "highly industrialized", and a hundred more were
"industrialized". Healing the scars of war, planets were rebuilt into
comfortable paradises where science and art could flourish. "Hail the
Imperium" was the call of the day.
Inevitably, social and political systems evolved to create circles
and barriers around the throne. As late as A.I. 35, common citizens
could still petition the Emperor. After the death of the First Emperor
in A.I. 36 , however, all of this rapidly changed. Emperor Yarbrous,
crowned in A.I. 37 after the mysterious death of his elder sibling,
immediately decreed laws restricting the rights and voice of the common
man. Only the wealthy and influential could run for Imperial office.
Bribery became the official method of procuring assistance from civil
servants. A brief public uprising was quelled by force. In response to
public denunciation of his policies, Yarbrous gave the Imperial Police
direct control of local law enforcement agencies. Historians mark 39
A.I. as the start of the Age of Repression.
After the assassination of Yarbrous in A.I. 43, four Emperors held
and lost the throne before Selenius ascended in A.I. 51. Selenius
ruled for ten years, and rescinded many of Yarbrous' (and his
"successors") laws. Relative stability marked the rule of Selenius. One
change fostered by Selenius was the creation of individual System-
controlled military forces, meant to be a counterbalance to the
Imperial Navy should a despotic Yarbrous ascend again in the future.
Overshadowing his enlightened rule, these navies would prove the most
lasting legacy of the Emperor Selenius.
Selenius died abruptly in 61 A.I. without an heir, spawning another
chaotic battle for ascension. In A.I. 63, with systems at the brink of
civil war, compromise between three major factions in the House of
Peers placed Magnor on the throne. Weakly held together, the Imperium
was at a low boil during the following decade. In A.I. 73, Imperial
Admiral Galbraith declared himself Governal-General in the Altair
sector, placing his fleet along the Imperial border to thwart
reunification attempts. A combined Imperial fleet was sent to smash
Galbraith. Galbraith himself was killed in the action, but several of
his Admirals escaped with their fleets. Systems that had supported
Galbraith declared themselves neutral, free of Imperial or Altarian
control. The Combined Imperial fleet, heavily battered, was forced to
withdraw to the Imperium. The Altarian sector became an independent,
fractious federation of warlords with loose ties to the Imperium.
The coalition supporting the Emperor was unable to reach a
compromise on the Altairian situation. Each faction saw a chance to
sieze the area for itself, and flooded the sector with agents, money,
and arms. The Emperor was almost powerless to raise the large fleets
needed to bring Altair back into the Imperium. In A.I. 75, The Second
Galactic Conflict began.
Second Conflict: The Game
There are three types of military units in Second Conflict. These
are WarShips, TroopShips, and Troops. WarShips are naval vessels
designed to destroy other vessels, and cost one point to build. Only
WarShips engage in fleet combat. TroopShips are units designed to
transport armed men into combat, and cost three points to build. They
are typically escorted by WarShips. Each TroopShip can carry fifty
troops. Troops represent the men and machines needed to wage ground
warfare. Only Troops can capture planets.
Star systems are represented on the map by the first letter of
their name. There are 26 stars in the Altair Sector, each having up to
ten planets. Star systems have a production value that is used to build
WarShips or TroopShips. These facilities represent asteroid mines, low-
gee workshops and living quarters, large orbiting construction docks,
and other non-planet based industrial capacity. Fleet combat only
occurs in systems, and does not automatically give control of any
planets. Troops that are in systems must be on TroopShips.
Each star system may have up to ten planets. Planets also have
production values, which are used to produce Troops. Control of a
system does not give control of the planets therein, they are
completely separate entities. Planets must be invaded with troops
before you control them.
Every star and planet has a morale rating, which is based on your
current standing. This game factor is probably the most important of
all. Morale is added to the production value to determine an "actual"
production. It also affects the amount of garrison you need to keep on
a planet or in a system. Normal morale is 1, maximum morale is 5.
Morale changes with your score, or by random events. Civil war or
system revolt will occur at a morale level below -4.
You must keep a garrison in systems and on planets to keep your
subjects orderly. The required garrison is three times production,
plus three times the inverse of your morale. This means you need a
larger garrison if morale is bad, and a smaller one when morale is
high. For planets, the Load All command will leave a sufficient
garrison. If you load manually, you are on your own. Garrisoning
systems is up to you. When you have insufficient garrisons, morale will
drop until you reach the revolt level. Note that if random events are
enabled, an event may strike a planet that has a minimum garrison and
cause serious problems.
Production occurs at two levels; in Systems and on
Planets. Production is expressed as a point value. A star or planet's
current Morale rating is added to it's production value when
calculating production points. Star systems can be instructed to either
produce TroopShips or WarShips. WarShips cost one production point
each, while TroopShips cost three. If you have leftover points while
building TroopShips, they will be held in that system until the next
production phase. Planets, on the other hand, can only build one type
of unit: Troops.
Your score is based on the number of stars, planets, WarShips,
TroopShips, and Troops you own. Ship production also plays a factor.
Since uniting the Altair Sector is your goal, the scoring is weighted
so that territory accounts for approximately half of your score. The
maximum morale you can attain (barring random events, if enabled) is
based on your score. These are the weights:
WarShips 1/5 of 1 point
TroopShips 3 * WarShip value
Troops 1/20 of 1 point
Star 10 points
Planet 2 points
Ship Production 1 point per point of production
Combat Ratings:
Each player has two combat effectiveness ratings, one for
naval (Fleet) combat, and one for ground (Troop) combat. These ratings
form the basis for your combat effectiveness. If you are sucessful in
combat, the applicable rating may increase. When you get defeated, the
rating may decrease.
Privateers are planet-based raiders and sabotuers that appear
in systems you don't fully control. Any time there are enemy-
controlled planets in a star system you own, privateers will appear.
Privateers destroy WarShips in an attempt to lower system morale. The
only way to guard against Privateers is to secure all planets in a star
system as soon as possible. The damage that Privateers do is based on
the number of WarShips you have in the system, and the number of
unsecured planets there. The more of either, the more damage you can
Scouts are WarShips that have been stripped of armament to
increase their speed. Whenever you request a Scout mission, one
WarShip will be adapted and dispatched to collect intelligence data on
an enemy star system. When the scout returns, it is restored to full
WarShip capability.
Second Conflict: Setup
The file, SECCON.ARC, should contain the following files:
SC.EXE the main game program
SCVIEW.EXE the endgame module
SCINIT.EXE the initialization module
SC.SCR a support file
SC.DOC this document
SCVERS.XXX changes and notes about release X.XX
To begin enjoying Second Conflict, simply type SC and hit enter at
the DOS prompt. Optionally, you can type SC <filename.ext> to
automatically load a saved game file. Everything else will take care of
itself. If you did not supply a filename on the command line, you will
be asked if you wish to start a new game or restore a game in progress.
If you wish to continue a saved game, select "O" and enter the name of
the savegame file. Pressing ENTER will use the default filename SC.SAV.
If you start a new game, you will be placed in the Game Setup
module. You must supply the number of stars (max:26), players (max:10),
and the name and type of each player. Players can be either Human or
After you have specified the player mix, you will have the
opportunity to change several options. For the first few games, I
recommend that you use the default settings. After you get a feel for
the game, you may wish to adjust one of these:
Neutral Build -- if set on, neutral planets will produce more Warships
and troops each turn. The default is NO.
Computer Play Level -- this value, which ranges from 1 to 3, will make
the computer harder to beat. 3 is the hardest, and 1 is the easiest.
The default is 1.
Display Enemy -- if set on, this parameter will show enemy-held star
systems on the central map display. You won't know much about them
unless you send a scout, but you will see where they are. The default
is YES.
Game Length -- this value is the length of the game in turns. At the
end of the game, the final scores are displayed and the program is
placed in VIEW mode allowing you to inspect enemy positions in detail.
The default value is 100 turns. The game may end sooner, of course, if
there is only one active player or there are no active human players.
Production Level -- this sets the initial production maximums used to
generate the galaxy. LOW production set a maximum of 5, MEDIUM limits
the range to 10, and HIGH sets the ceiling at 15. The default is MEDIUM.
Ship Speed -- this is used to adjust how quickly WarShips and
TroopShips reach their destinations. LOW is 3/turn, MEDIUM is 4/turn,
and HIGH is 5/turn. The default is MEDIUM.
Random Events -- This selects the basic level of random events. Turn it
on to find out what they are! The default value is NO.
Advanced Events -- This selects a more volatile level of events. Events
can be both good or bad, at either level. This level includes the basic
level.The default is NO.
After you have accepted the game setup options, you will be shown maps
of the Altair sector. Pick one that you like. When you have accepted a
map, actual game play will begin. For your first game, try to place
yourself in a large cluster of stars that is widely separated from your
computer opponents.
Second Conflict: Displays
The main Second Conflict game display consist of four parts. The
Field of Honor shows the Altair Sector map. Your systems are shown in
red, and enemy systems (if this option is enabled) are shown in light
blue. Neutral systems appear gray, and systems you have scouted appear
bright white. On monochrome systems, your stars will be shown in
reverse highlight.
The Stars/Ships window occupies the upper right portion of your
screen. Again, stars that you control are shown in red, enemy systems
in blue, and scouted systems in white. Numbers next to each system
indicate the total number of ships in that system (I.E., WarShips and
TroopShips). Enemy systems that you have scouted appear white, and the
number will show the number of WarShips that were there when your
collected the information. Note that this is not necessarily the number
of ships that are there now!
The Player window shows the current player name, the turn, and
the player's current combat effectiveness ratings for both Naval and
Ground combat.
The Menu area occupies the entire width of the bottom four lines of
the screen. All game options are selected here. To select an option,
either type the mnemonic letter of the command or use the arrow keys to
move the highlight over the option and press ENTER. The ESCAPE key will
almost always abort the current command. Be careful, it will also exit
a menu, including the Main menu. Exiting the main menu ends your
portion of the turn, and allows the next player to begin.
Second Conflict: Sequence of play
Second Conflict is played in phases; each player has a movement
phase before the program processes the results. All movement is
simultaneous. Combat occurs when movement places units of different
players int the same locale. This is the order in which the phases are
Player 1 inputs orders
Player 2 inputs orders
Player n inputs orders
Movement is resolved
Combat (if any)
New Production
Random Events (if enabled)
Morale Checked
Second Conflict: Commands
Second conflict has two main menus; the Main menu and the System
menu. The main menu contains options that are global to your empire,
while the System menu is oriented toward a single star system. Here is
a list and brief description of each command:
B - Basic statistical information about you empire
D - Exit to DOS temporarily
G - Go To a star system you own (enables the System Menu)
I - display your intelligence information
N - go to Next system and give orders (duplicates System option)
P - Display production data for all stars you own
Q - Quit the game
R - Restore a saved game
S - Save the current game
X (or ESC) - Exit your phase and let another player go
Z - Ze Score for all players
A - set up an automatic movement path
C - Change system production (toggle WarShips or TroopShips)
D - Distance to another star system
F - display Fleets and destinations
G - Give a fleet away (presumably to an ally!)
I - display intelligence reports
L - Load troops from planets onto TroopShips
M - Move a fleet to another system
N - go to another system and give orders
P - display Production data (this system only)
R - Recall a fleet (from the fleet display) to this system
S - Send a scout to an enemy system
U - Unload troops onto planets (can initiate invasions)
W - Wreck naval vessels for scrap
X or (ESC) - Exit back to the Main Menu
Second Conflict: Strategies
The only way to really develop effective strategies is, of course,
to play the game. We can, however, provide you with a few tips to get
you started.
When you successfully take a system, invade as many planets as you
can. Don't go for just the highest producers right away. The more
planets you control, the fewer Privateers will attack your fleet.
Troops are scarce. Don't waste them, or leave them on TroopShips
where they will be lost if your system is sucessfully attacked.
Be careful with your garrisons. They are both for defensive
purposes and to prevent unrest and revolution. Garrisons that are too
large will rob you of offensive might, whereas garrisons that are too
small will encourage revolt and enemy attacks. Remember, there are no
"front lines" in space. You are never safe from attack.
Don't overproduce TroopShips unless you need them. They cost three
points each to build, and the Wreck command will only recover about 70%
of your investment. Each can carry 50 Troops, and you will NEVER have
as many WarShips as you would like.
If you are playing with multiple human players, consider making
alliances. These can be short-term affairs, and a "gift" fleet from an
ally can make a Galaxy of a difference at a critical time!
In general, it is wise to keep your fleets on the move. The enemy
can't destroy what he can't find.
The computer player can be TOUGH at level 3 and fast movement
speed. Choose this setting with care!
Second Conflict: Credits
Second Conflict has been brought to you by the Sysops of The
Battlefield PC BBS, Jerry Galloway (AKA Wargamer) and Eric R. Markgraf.
The Battlefield is a 24 hour system that can be reached at (718) 225-
9083, at 3/12/2400 baud. An on-line version of Second Conflict will be
available there soon, not to mention discussion and the latest program
versions. The online version will be made available to interested
Sysops. If you have suggestions and/or comments, please feel free to
call The Battlefield or easyplex me on Compuserve (72750,567). You'll
probably have better luck reaching me on The Battlefield, I'm there
every day.
Special thanks must go to our playtesters, Kenny Grumer (AKA
Fishman) and Perry Markowitz (AKA Satyr). Their suggestions helped make
Second Conflict what you see. Eric and I also clocked many a long hour
at the helm trying to grind this program into dust. A very, very
special thank you must go to Susan, who put up with my long stints in
the computer room.
Second Conflict is a Shareware program, which means that you can
evaluate it free of charge. You are encouraged to distribute it as long
as you do not modify it in any way, and you must include this document
in unmodified form. Second Conflict is, however, a copyrighted work to
which the authors retain ALL rights. If you play Second Conflict
regularly, you must send for a registered copy. All income will be used
to support future upgrades and enhancements (and make it all
We've put a lot of work into this package!
Send $15 dollars (check or money order, please) payable to
Jerry W. Galloway
61-15 218th St.
Bayside, NY 11364
Please include your return address and specify the disk format you
require (I.E., 5.25 or 3.5" MS-DOS format). For the registration fee of
$15, you will also recieve the Second Conflict GAME EDITOR, which will
allow you to change game parameters such as production levels, morale
factors, etc. on games in progress. Constructive comments from
registered users will be taken VERY seriously. This game is growing and
changing, but we need your support to continue.
We hope you enjoy the game!
JW Galloway